The NCSBA Bees and Honey Competition/Artisan Show offers beekeepers the opportunity to showcase their products and skills in a state-wide competition that features two levels; youth and adult. The beekeepers of the NCSBA are a diverse and creative association of individuals who produce excellent honey and products of the hive. Many folks in the association are creative in the areas of arts, crafts, photography and all things pertaining to beekeeping. The competition criteria are designed to reflect the skill of the exhibitor, display the uniqueness of our craft, and help us gain knowledge and fascination of the honey bee. How an entry is presented matters but items over which the exhibitor has no control will be de-emphasized. For example, manufacturing defects in glass jars and bottles will not affect scoring but dust, smudges, scratches, chips, or other handling alterations on entry containers will adversely affect the score. The show, although a competition, is more importantly a display of honey bee products and the creativity of the folks that keep bees. Our participation is important whether or not we feel our entry has a chance of receiving an award. Everyone is encouraged to display in the show, be competitive in doing so but above all, enjoy the experience! Please email if you have questions.
Competition Rules
Spring: NCSBA Artisan Show
Summer: NCSBA Bees and Honey Competition
NOTE: Only registered conference attendees are eligible to participate in the competitions.
Best in Show
2024 – Valarie Pallatto, Chatham County Beekeepers – Light Amber Extracted Honey
2022 – Christi Henthorn, Granville County Beekeepers – Beeswax Flowers in a Beeswax Vase
2019 – Dawn Rogers, Orange County Beekeepers – Gift Basket
2018 – Brad Shaw, At-Large Member – Creamed Honey
2017 – Anne Houck, Stanly County Beekeepers – Extracted Light
2016 – Murdock and Dorthy Butler, Tar River Beekeepers