Fall Master Beekeeper testing for all levels will start this Saturday.
Please forward this email to your membership – thanks.
If you are intending on testing at one of the two locations PLEASE BRING YOUR NCSBA MEMBERHIP CARD WITH YOU
we MUST have a CURRENT NCSBA membership number. ( thanks)
OCTOBER 7 2017
9 am till Noon
Craven County Cooperative Extension
300 Industrial Drive
New Bern, NC 28562
This facility is located just off the Clarks Exit of Highway 70
It is approximately 8 miles west of the city limits of New Bern.
All tests start at 9 am
NO TEST issued after 10 am
There will be: written testing for Certified, Journeyman & Master Levels
There will be practical exams for Journeyman and Master Levels only.
Certified Practical Exams will not be issued at this time/location.
OCTOBER 21, 2017
9 am till NOON
N.C. Cooperative Extension Office at Wilkes County
416 Executive Drive
Wilkesboro, NC 28697
The web site, wilkes.ces.ncsu.edu has along side the title, “Wilkes County Center” a google icon for direction assistance.
We have been advised that the location is GPS challenged so
to help you locate the facility – note that it is located off SR 421 at exit 285, north 500 feet to Executive Drive on the left.
All tests start at 9 am
NO TEST issued after 10 am
There will be: written testing for Certified, Journeyman & Master Levels
There will be practical exams for Journeyman and Master Levels only.
Certified Practical Exams will not be issued at this time/location.
Master Beekeeper Committee
sent to Chapters October 2nd 2017