Bee School Submission Course TitleExample: Beginning Beekeeping ClassChapter:*SelectAlamance County BeekeepersAlexander County BeekeepersAlleghany County BeekeepersAnson County BeekeepersAppalachian BeekeepersAshe County BeekeepersBeaufort County BeekeepersBee Excellent AssociationBeekeepers of Chowan CountyBeekeepers of The AlbemarleBeekeepers of The NeuseBeekeepers of Wilkes CountyBlack River Beekeepers AssociationBrunswick County BeekeepersBuncombe County Beekeepers ChapterBurke County BeekeepersCabarrus County BeekeepersCaldwell County BeekeepersCarolina Foothills BeekeepersCashie BeekeepersCaswell County BeekeepersCatawba Valley BeekeepersChatham County BeekeepersCleveland County BeekeepersColumbus County BeekeepersCraven-Pamlico BeekeepersCrystal Coast BeekeepersCumberland County BeekeepersDavidson County BeekeepersDavie County BeekeepersDuplin County BeekeepersDurham County BeekeepersFive County BeekeepersForsyth County BeekeepersFranklin County BeekeepersGaston County BeekeepersGranville County BeekeepersGuilford County BeekeepersHalifax-Northampton BeekeepersHampstead Natural BeekeepersHarnett County BeekeepersHaywood County BeekeepersHenderson County BeekeepersHoke County BeekeepersIredell County BeekeepersJackson County BeekeepersJohnston County BeekeepersLee County BeekeepersLincoln County BeekeepersMacon County BeekeepersMadison County BeekeepersMcDowell Honey BeesMecklenburg County BeekeepersMontgomery County BeekeepersMoore County BeekeepersNeuse Regional BeekeepersNew Hanover County BeekeepersOnslow County BeekeepersOrange County BeekeepersOuter Banks Beekeepers' GuildPender County BeekeepersPerson County BeekeepersRandolph County BeekeepersRichmond County BeekeepersRobeson County Area BeekeepersRockingham County BeekeepersRowan County BeekeepersRutherford County BeekeepersSampson County BeekeepersScotland County BeekeepersSmoky Mountain BeekeepersStanly County BeekeepersStokes County BeekeepersSurry County BeekeepersTar River BeekeepersToe Cane BeekeepersTransylvania County Beekeepers AssociationUnion County BeekeepersVance and Warren County BeekeepersWake County BeekeepersWatauga County BeekeepersWilson County BeekeepersYadkin County BeekeepersNote: The bee school listing is for official NCSBA chapters ONLY. Companies/Organizations that currently advertise in the NCSBA Bee Buzz or NCSBA website may promote their bee schools in the advertising section of the website and on our FaceBook page.Begins* MM slash DD slash YYYY Beginning dateEnds:* MM slash DD slash YYYY Ending dateDuration:Example: for 9 weeks + field dayWhen:*Days of week, dates, time of class Example: Thursday evenings 7-9pmLocation* Venue Name ( Example: Guilford County Extension Office) Address City ZIP Code Cost:*Example: $50 per person/$80 per couple. Includes book and other materials.Chapter website: URL of chapter websiteAdditional Information:Brief description of course, info about field day(s), etc.Class Contact Information:*Class contact(s): Names, phone number, email, etc. Also URL of registration page if you have one.Submitted by:*Contact email:* Enter Email Confirm Email In case we need to contact about the information you have submitted.Special Instructions to webmaster:Include any additional questions/comments for the webmaster.NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.