Apiary Tasks by Month
Beekeeping throughout the year is a variable process. Fitting annual apiary duties with the rest of your life can be tricky. NC State Apiary Inspector Nancy Ruppert has given us a helpful list of what can be expected throughout the year for beekeepers in the Piedmont. Those outside of central North Carolina will need to adjust for local conditions. We hope you find the Piedmont North Carolina Beekeeping Calendar useful.
NCSBA Events
Beekeepers of the Neuse - Beginning Beekeeping Class
All day
Jan 13, 2024
1/13/2024 - 2/10/2024
5 Weeks
Includes five consecutive Saturdays from 9am - 1pm
$70 individual registration. Family registration: $70 first family member and $40 each additional family member (includes one book).
University of Mount Olive
634 Henderson Street
Mount Olive, North Carolina 28365
Beginner Beekeeping is taught by members of Beekeepers of the Neuse. This beginner beekeeping class is for anyone interested in learning about honey bees. Students are not required to have or purchase bees.
Course objectives: • Provide knowledge about honey bees and beekeeping • Provide beekeeping, best-practice resources • Provide opportunities for advanced educational experiences • Connect new beekeepers to a supportive community • Help you become a good beekeeper.
Class Contact Information:
Upcoming Bee Schools
- Feb 6, 2025, 6:00 pm: Anson County Beekeepers - Intro. to Beekeeping
- Feb 7, 2025, 6:00 pm: Columbus County Beekeepers - Beginning Beekeeping Class
- Feb 8, 2025, 8:00 am: Crystal Coast Beekeepers - Beginning Beekeeping Class
- Feb 8, 2025, 8:00 am: Halifax-Northampton Beekeepers - Beginning Beekeeping Class
- Feb 8, 2025, 10:00 am: Bee Excellent Association - Beginning Beekeeping Class