“Ceratina, Lasioglossum and Augochlora are out foraging with the honey bees on warm days in December and January,” say Elsa Youngsteadt and Hannah Levenson, co-authors of the just-published “Bees of North Carolina: An Identification Guide.”

As every NCSBA volunteer and presenter knows, NC Zoo Bee Exhibit visitors and 5th grade students expect beekeepers to know about all bees, not just honey bees. This bee ID guide is available free at https://content.ces.ncsu.edu/the-bees-of-north-carolina-identification-guide.
Paperbacks of the 57-page guide are available in January and may be pre-ordered at https://go.ncsu.edu/beeidguide. Order now to receive 40% off during their holiday special. For a 25% discount on year-round orders of 5+ copies, use promotional code 01NCSU25.
In NCSU’s Plant Ecology Department, Dr. Youngsteadt is Assistant Professor and Extension Urban Ecology Specialist. Hannah Levenson is a Graduate Research Associate in Entomology and Plant Pathology.