Subject: 2018 membership form and card-return policy; new Membership Coordinator, phone number and address
Date: 22.10.2017 15:20
From: chapterupdates@ncbeekeepers.org
To: chapters@ncbeekeepers.org
Chapter contacts, please share this with your officers and members, especially if your Chapter helps with the collection of NCSBA membership dues. This message will also be posted in our new “Announcements” section on the NCSBA website for reference.
*Updated NCSBA membership form for 2018*
The updated membership application form is attached. It is also posted on the NCSBA website at https://www.ncbeekeepers.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/NCSBA_Membership_Application_12-18-2017.pdf . The primary change from 2017 is the option to receive a hard-copy of the membership letter/card (the default now is by email). Other changes are the addition of a link to the membership-number-recovery website page and the contact information for the new Membership Coordinator. Please remind your members to provide their NCSBA membership number and a current email address on the form as well as update the other requested information. After a membership number is assigned to a person, it does not change, even if there is a lapse in active membership.
*Membership cards are now sent by email*
The default for receiving the annual NCSBA membership letter/card is by email unless the hard-copy option is checked on the application form (or indicated on the spreadsheet or other form devised by the Chapter to convey the membership information to the Membership Coordinator). If the Chapter submits the forms and the hard-copy option is selected, hard copies will be returned to the Chapter for distribution – they will not be individually mailed back to the members. Sending the letter/cards by email will relieve the Chapters of that responsibility and ensure that every member has an opportunity to see and verify their contact information and preferences. We have been told by Chapters that members often do not pick up these cards after they are returned to the Chapters – that they end up in the Treasurer’s file, undelivered.
*New Membership Coordinator, mailing address, and phone number**
*Our new interim Membership Coordinator is Todd Walker. Laurie Shaw resigned effective Oct. 10 after ten years of service to the NCSBA. Todd has been our database manager and webmaster for the past two years as well as a Piedmont Regional Director. Continue to use membership@ncbeekeepers.org as the contact email address for Membership Services.. The new phone number and mailing address are (336) 933-1917 and P.O. Box 99, Hurdle Mills, NC 27541, respectively. The new contact information is listed at the bottom of the updated membership form. Many of you interacted with Ms. Shaw over the past ten years as she processed dues and handled conference registrations. If you would like to send her your good wishes, contact her at lshaw@tyler-carter.com .
Thank you so much for assisting with the collection of NCSBA membership dues. We have over 4700 members now. Without your help, it would be a much more expensive and time-consuming process.
Suzy Spencer
NCSBA Membership Secretary