Submission deadline for 2017-2018 GAP notebooks;
a new GAP guide for 2018-2019
Dear Chapter Presidents,
I hope 2018 finds you and your bees doing well. For Chapters planning to
enter the NCSBA Golden Achievement Program (GAP) competition for the
2017-2018 year, remember that the notebooks are due at the Spring
Conference by noon on Saturday March 3 or they can be mailed to me to
arrive by then. Please go to the NCSBA website and print out the GAP
Guide and summary if you have not already done so. You may use the one
with “2016-2017” or “2017-2018” in the title (they are essentially the
same). Do not use any that you may see titled “2018-2019”.
After the spring conference, we plan to introduce the new “2018-2019 GAP
Guide” which is hopefully more user-friendly. We increased the
threshold in some sections and even added in a few new categories. I
would be happy to email you a copy of the 2018-2019 guide if you would
like to see it sooner for your planning purposes, but we did not want to
confuse things by posting it on the website before the 2017-2018
deadline had passed.
Please let me know if you have any questions, I will be happy to answer
Thank you,
Melinda Miller
GAP Chair