Update your Chapter contact’s email address for 2018
Chapter contacts:
It’s time to start updating the NCSBA Chapter email list for 2018.
Please do the following to help this process run smoothly so we can have
the new list ready by the first week of January.
1. Read the information titled “How the NCSBA communicates with
Chapters…” posted on the NCSBA website under “Chapters” (
https://www.ncbeekeepers.org/q-a-for-chapters ). That will answer
questions you may have about this important email list and who should be
your designated contact.
2. Do not “reply” directly to this email. Draft a separate email with
the name of your Chapter somewhere in the subject line and send it to
chapterupdates@ncbeekeepers.org . In the body of the email, provide
three things:
a. the Chapter contact email address for 2018 (some Chapters use a group
email address which is fine for our purposes)
b. the Chapter contact phone number (unless you prefer not to provide
c. the name of the person providing the information
3. Ask the contact to check their spam folders the first few weeks of
January to make sure our emails are not landing there. Remember: you
can check what has been sent through the Chapters list by looking under
“NCSBA Announcements” on the NCSBA website.
If you will not know who the new contact will be until after January 1,
please still reply back so we know this. We will continue to use your
2017 contact information until you send in the update.
requested later in 2018. However, now is a good time to check the 2017
Yellow Book to confirm that the information listed for your Chapter is
correct (the where/when for meetings, your website address, etc). Also
check the information posted on the NCSBA website under the “Find a
Chapter” feature. Send any corrections to me.
Questions? Email me at chapterupdates@ncbeekeepers.org.
Suzy Spencer
NCSBA Membership Secretary
chapter email sent out on November 17 2017