Updating NCSBA Chapter contacts, information, and officers for 2018
Hello NCSBA Chapter contacts. It’s time to verify or update your Chapter’s contact information and officers for 2018. This is a three-fold request. Please take the time to read through it.
Please send me the name, email address and phone number of someone in your Chapter who has agreed to receive email from the NCSBA and to then share it with your other officers and members in a timely way. We consider this to be a very important responsibility. The designated contact is often the President but not always — depending upon who handles communications within your Chapter. The email address and phone number will be printed in the Yellow Book under your Chapter listing unless you tell me not to.
Please verify your Chapter information as listed in the 2017 Yellow Book, especially your website or Facebook page address (your choice as to which you want to list, but only one). Also check the information for your Chapter on the NCSBA website at https://www.ncbeekeepers.org/chapter and https://www.ncbeekeepers.org/county-chapters/state-map . Verify by saying “All’s O.K.” if it is, or send me the correction.
Please send a list of your 2018 officers, even if they are the same as in 2017. Include the titles as they appear in your bylaws, if possible. If you have three directors and they have staggered terms, indicate how long they have served (e.g.,3rd year, 2nd year, 1st year). Send only the names and titles, not phone numbers or email addresses. If phone numbers and emails addresses are included on the list, be aware that I do not cross-check them with what’s in the database, so submitting them to me is not a way to update them. Updates to members’ contact information should be sent to membership@ncbeekeepers.org or call 336-933-1917. Remember that if an officer is not a 2018 NCSBA member by March 7, he or she will not be listed in the Yellow Book.
Please send all three of these updates in one email to me at membershipsecretary@ncbeekeepers.org with the name of your Chapter somewhere in the subject line.
That makes if so much easier when dealing with over 75 Chapters.
Todd Walker
NCSBA Membership Secretary